TuscanRoads: Casciana Alta – Lari

It’s “cherry time”!!!!!!! On the Pisan Hills there is Lari, a medieval village famous for its castle but also known for its cherries, delicious fruits that grow in May and June. I love cherries so, on our walking day, we decided to go there passing by Casciana Alta, look the map and the photos.

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Left Casciana Alta and the romanic Oratorio della Madonna delle Cave, we walked along the SP46.  We passed lot of beautiful viewpoints and finally we arrived in Lari. It was sunny and hot so, when we arrived in the village, we stopped in the old cafè “La bottega delle Specialità“, where the Meini family used to produce liqueurs. We tried the cherry liqueur … so good !!!!!!!
On the way back we bought half a kilo of sweet and “freshly picked” cherries to bring home.

What a wonderful and “full of cherry taste” TuscanRoad !!!!!!!